Please note the following:
  1. Substantiated allegations will be considered for sanctions ranging in severity.
  2. Complete confidentiality of the complaint process cannot be guaranteed. The contents of this document may be shared in an effort to resolve this complaint. By completing the form, you agree that the EC Complaints Manager may share some or all of this information in the process of resolving the complaint.
1 - Person making the complaint

2 - Person on whose behalf the complaint is made: (to be completed if different from above)

3 - Name of person(s) against whom you are complaining

4 - When and where did the incident(s) occur? (date)

5 - Please check the ground(s) that best describes your complaint
A. Harassment
B. Abuse
C. Bullying
D. Misconduct

6 - Particulars

Provide a summary of the incidents you are complaining about. You may attach any additional documents that you feel will help clarify the basis for your complaint.

Your summary must answer the following questions, but is not limited to these questions.

  • Who was present at the time that the incidents occurred? This includes participants to the incident(s) as well as witnesses. Provide names and any contact information.
  • Provide a succinct summary of the incident(s) in your own words.
  • How do the incident(s) relate to the ground(s) you selected above?
  • What are the remedies or resolutions that you are seeking?